February 21, 2017

We are so ready for spring!  Every day we watch the weather channel

.  It seems like just yesterday we were watching the temperatures creep down below zero, into the minuses.  Now we watch day by day for the weather to creep to the pluses, just waiting for digits into t...

February 15, 2017

Now that winter is on the way out and spring is slowly creeping in, the impulse to begin outdoor repairs seems to want to run through our veins.  When the weather warms and the snow melts we will take a step outside and do a site inspection of our property while taking...

January 23, 2017

Cork in Canada will make a huge breakthrough due to the fact that cork is a natural product and harvesting the cork from the tree will never harm the trees, they harvest the bark from the tree and never cut it down.  Cork trees are harvested every 9 years.  The cork is...

January 16, 2017

Introducing a new building material, cork spray.  For those of you who have never heard about it, lets begin by telling you cork spray is gaining a lot of recognition and attention here in Canada, we want to be the first  to tell you about it.    Cork spray has been in...

January 10, 2017

People in Toronto are always comparing their homes to the Jones, looking to make their house the best looking on their block.  So, the first thing they do is work on the landscaping which is a great way to increase the equity of the property plus, it does make the hous...

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November 5, 2019

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